New build

Qualified Specialists

We appreciate it can be daunting to purchase off-plan, and legally own a house that’s not yet built. But our team of dedicated new build specialists understand the process and time pressures associated with exchanging contracts off-plan, often liaising with developers direct, completing forms and helping with transactions on behalf of our clients.

Our qualified advisers will only source mortgage offers which last long enough to allow for construction timescales as well as taking into consideration your ideal exchange and completion deadlines.

Mortgage calculator

We’ll do the leg work

For financial advice or to book an appointment with one of our friendly advisers,
just call 0345 415 4116 or email


We will want to take the time to learn about you, understanding your personal circumstances and overall financial position.


Using our expert knowledge we’ll explore and research various scenarios to find the most appropriate fit. We’ll recommend clear options in plain English.


Like most of our clients, you will probably prefer us to do the necessary work to put your plan into action.


Nothing stands still, so it makes sense to check your financial circumstances regularly. We want to build long term relationships with an eye on the future.

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